COVID-19 Status Update for 05/24/2022 – Marin County Coronavirus Information - Highlight News Today


Tuesday, May 24, 2022

COVID-19 Status Update for 05/24/2022 – Marin County Coronavirus Information

Marin County COVID-19 Status Update for May 24, 2022 includes: COVID-19 Therapeutics: Paxlovid Rebound; Data Dashboard Update: Case Rate by Age & Ethnicity; Public Health News: Monkeypox Update; Vaccination Opportunities in Marin; and updated local COVID-19 data. 

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The Marin County COVID-19 Status Update is published two times per week and as needed to share important news and resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic and to keep the local economy running. We remain here for you. 


COVID-19 Therapeutics: Paxlovid Rebound 

Today, The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a health advisory regarding the potential for recurrence of COVID-19 or “COVID-19 rebound” after use of the COVID-19 treatment, Paxlovid. Marin County Public Health also issued a Public Health Advisory to local health providers on how best to monitor for recurrence of symptoms.  

The CDC advisory notes Paxlovid continues to be recommended for early-stage treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 among persons at high risk for progression to severe disease. Paxlovid treatment helps prevent hospitalization and death due to COVID-19. COVID-19 rebound has been reported to occur between 2 and 8 days after initial recovery, and is characterized by a recurrence of COVID-19 symptoms or a new positive viral test after having tested negative.  

A brief return of symptoms may be part of the natural history of SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) infection in some persons, independent of treatment with Paxlovid and regardless of vaccination status. Limited information currently available from case reports suggests that persons treated with Paxlovid who experience COVID-19 rebound have had mild illness; there are no reports of severe disease. 


Data Dashboard Update: Case Rate by Age & Ethnicity 

Marin County Public Health epidemiologists have made an update to the “Demographic Trends in COVID-19 Cases” dashboard, giving viewers the option to toggle between the total number of cases and case rates per 100,000 people. The data is separated by age and ethnicity displayed in a 7-day moving average. This provides insight into how the rate at which certain groups within our population are infected with COVID. 

The latest version of the dashboard can be found on our Surveillance page. 


Public Health News: Monkeypox Update 

Over the course of the COVID-19 response, we have periodically included a non-coronavirus related update that was of local, regional or national urgency (local wildfires, heat or smoke advisories, etc.). 


Marin’s Public Health Officer, Dr. Matt Willis, shares a video update about the multi-country outbreak of monkey pox and what that might mean for Marin County. In addition, Marin County Public Health issued a public health advisory regarding the status of monkeypox in the United States, symptoms of the virus, and tips for anyone who has been exposed. 

[embedded content]

Watch on YouTube


Vaccination Opportunities in Marin 

If you know someone who is still in need of a primary vaccination dose or booster shot, please share the list below with them! Staying up to date on our vaccines is just as important as receiving an initial series. FREE COVID-19 vaccines are available to people age 5 and older, regardless of insurance or immigration status.    

This week’s schedule of vaccination clinics with open appointments:     

  • May 24 – Albert J. Boro Community Center, San Rafael 
  • May 25, 26, & 27 – Northgate Mall Center Court, San Rafael    
  • May 26 – West Marin Community Services, Point Reyes 
  • May 26 – Marin Community Clinics, San Rafael   

Walk-ups are welcome at most vaccination locations. Visit the Vaccine Finder webpage to view clinic hours, address, or schedule an appointment. Minors (youth age 5 to 17) must be accompanied by a parent or guardian to receive a vaccination. Additional vaccination clinics in Marin and around the Bay Area can be found on MyTurn

Marin Academy Offers Booster Clinic for Youth. 

Pharmacies and Marin Public Health are the primary source for free COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters for people age 5 and older. However, Marin Academy is partnering with Color and the State of California to provide a special booster vaccination clinic for youth. The booster clinic will operate May 25 (2:00PM to 6:00PM) and July 29 (2:00PM to 6:00PM) at Marin Academy (1600 Mission Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94901). Visit the clinic webpage for more information or to register.  


COVID-19 Data Update: 

Below is just a snapshot of local COVID-19 data. Find a more in-depth analysis of COVID-19 trends on the Marin Data & Surveillance webpage, our Data FAQ, or Marin County’s Open Data Portal

Data sets updated weekly (published on Fridays) include: 

  • COVID-19 vaccination rates 
  • COVID-19 cases & deaths among facility staff and residents 
  • Weekly/Cumulative count of COVID-19 deaths among Marin residents 
  • State COVID-19 Data 

Status updates are now published Tuesdays and Fridays. “Change from Last Status Update” (far right column, below) may account for 2-4 days, depending on the date of the previous publication (view past status updates). 

COVID-19 Case Data 

Today’s Report 

Change from Last Status Update on May 20, 2022 

Total Confirmed Cumulative Cases 



“Active Cases” (Confirmed in Past 10 Days) 



Current COVID-19 Hospitalizations 



Current COVID-19 ICU Patient Census 



Resource Link Library 

What to do if…  

You’ve tested Positive | You’ve been exposed to someone with COVID-19 

Online Resources 

Vaccine locations | Booster Information | Free COVID-19 testing |  

Marin COVID-19 Data | State COVID-19 Data | State Race & Ethnicity Data   

State Variant Data | CDC Community Transmission Data 

Stay Informed 

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